
romanesco title.jpg

Strikingly geometrical with a delicate flavor, this unique vegetable brings the crunch of broccoli and the mildness of cauliflower to your dinner table.

Our most visually appealing farm box item this week, Romanesco, is a crossover between broccoli and cauliflower. It packs the same crunch of broccoli and tastes like a milder cauliflower.

Just like other vegetables in the Brassica family, it is a wonderful wintertime delight! Watching them grow is fascinating as florets of the vegetable resembles a natural fractal pattern. Each bud is composed of a series of smaller buds, and as they mature a Fibonacci sequence pattern takes its shape.

It's also an excellent source of nutrients. It's rich in vitamin C, vitamin K, fiber and carotenoids. It’s delicious raw, or if you already have favorite cauliflower recipes, you can easily substitute Romanesco.


For this week’s recipe we’re highlighting how to roast the entire head of Romanesco to showcase its visual appeal.

Check out the recipe we’ve featured from Becky’s Blog: A Calculated Wisk here:

For a stunning visual time-lapse of Romanesco growing check out this video we found:

*Storage tip: Keep unwashed Romanesco in a plastic bag in the fridge and store up to a week in the crisper drawer.

Ian Thorp